carla is a senior product designer based in san diego, california

she likes movies, national parks, the color green, and being at home. some have called her a 'good' designer — but who even knows, honestly.

companies i've worked with
companies i've worked with
companies i've worked with
Carla joined Marble to lead and grow the Design team and immediately took full ownership, demonstrated incredible work ethic to meet deadlines, and absorbed new knowledge quickly by asking great questions. She is able to work extremely well with team members across all functions - from C-level to product to engineering to marketing – she makes any team and organization she goes to a significantly better place!
Carla joined Marble to lead and grow the Design team and immediately took full ownership, demonstrated incredible work ethic to meet deadlines, and absorbed new knowledge quickly by asking great questions. She is able to work extremely well with team members across all functions - from C-level to product to engineering to marketing – she makes any team and organization she goes to a significantly better place!
Arpan Amin

Director of Product at Marble

what i get up to

what i get up to

what i get up to

apps, web, and marketing

here's a sneak preview of the range of my design work :^]

Web Design

i've helped create, improve, and re-design sites for fintech, e-commerce, and consumer apps.

Product Design
Design Systems
Marketing Design
Web Design

i've helped create, improve, and re-design sites for fintech, e-commerce, and consumer apps.

Product Design
Design Systems
Marketing Design
Web Design

i've helped create, improve, and re-design sites for fintech, e-commerce, and consumer apps.

Product Design
Design Systems
Marketing Design

works n things

works n things

works n things

featured works

here are a few of my recent + favorite projects :] if you are keen to learn more, get in touch!

carla ramirez

carla ramirez

carla ramirez